For about the same money you can get nickel silver rail from Aristo. It will 
take on a beautiful brown patina AND remain electrically conductive. I use 
N/S on my elevated track and illuminate the passenger cars behind the Hudson 
or K-4 when night running. One advantage of N/S over stainless is the ease of 
soft or silver soldering the N/S and the ease of machining, drilling, 
tapping, etc. This is very handy if you are building turnouts, etc. You can 
get 8' lengths of brass, aluminum. S/S or N/S rail shipped via UPS and use 
Aristo of LGB flex ties.
I do not manufacture N/S rail any more, so I have no monetary interest in 
either the rail or ties. Aristocraft Trains does manufacture and market a 
rail bender based on my design and I do get a small royalty on the benders. 
Keep your steam up!
Walt & Lunk 

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