Your timely post prevented me from doing a few things I feared I'd regret
later.  (I have a knack for overlooking the obvious!)  I am just now
dismantling my Ruby to try adding a Super Heater.  After removing the
bolts holding the saddle to the smoke box and getting everything apart, it
looks like an easier way would be thus:

= = =

Uncouple the gas and steam lines from the backhead at the unions.

Remove the front pilot.
Undo the front mounting plate (What the pilot attached to) bolts on either
Undo the two bolts holding the saddle to the frame on the front.
Now the semi-tricky part:  Undo the two bolts holding the saddle to the
frame on the rear of the saddle.  (A socket driver can be used with only a
little deflection from 90.  This will likely be the hard part to reverse
as well.)

NOTE:  If you have anything over your discharge tube be sure to unscrew it
first!  The saddle seat is notched to go around the discharge tube.

Finally unscrew the rear boiler mounting bolt under the cab.

= = =

What I suggest to you is to undo the whole saddle as above, re-attach it
to the boiler FIRST, then attach the whole kit & caboodle to the frame.
(It makes it easier to remount the boiler bolts if you take off the saddle
facade first.
If you don't have the correct nut-driver GET ONE.  AccuCraft sells them,
you could probably find them at any good hobby, craft or hardware store.
(It doesn't have to be a TRAIN hobby store.  RC cars and the like would
also use such tools.)  I got mine from AccuCraft, but my best guess is it
is a 3 mm head.  If you can find a similar sized open end and/or box end
wrench, grab it too!

Walt Gray wrote:

> Having difficulty reinstalling the Ruby boiler on the smokebox saddle.
> Finding it nearly impossible to start the small screws in the threaded
> holes to say nothing of putting the nuts on inside the smokebox.  Any
> "tricks of the trade" someone can suggest?
> Cheers,
> Walt Gray
> Oakville, ON

If you don't mind, why did you have the boiler off?  I'm afraid what I
wanted to do to add the super heater will be more than I expected any I'm
looking for hints. . .


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