Hi  Guys,
     At  the recent  Bay  Area  Garden  Society,s  Steamers  convention 
in  Hayward,  Ca.  Accucraft,s  had  all  their engines  on 
display.  The  only  price  list  they  had 
was  showing  approx  $1350  for  the Shay,  with a 
show  special  on  pre-orders  at  $1250.
     You are correct  about  lack  of detailing,  it  is  very 
basic.  But  you  get what you pay for,  and  probably  >80% 
will  be  kit  bashed/modified  anyway.  Therefore  it  makes 
a  good  basic  engine  for  this.  (Performance  is  another issue. We 
did  not  see  one running).
      Tony D.

At 12:58 PM 4/6/01 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I 'heard' $1300.  Don't quote me on that though.  ;]
>Trot, the fox who wanna shay!
>On Fri, 6 Apr 2001, Trent Dowler wrote:
> > Has anyone heard a projected price for the Shay? Nice looking engine, 
> but it
> > doesn't appear to be detailed to the point that it demands a high price.
> >
> > Later,
> > Trent
>  /\_/\        TrotFox        \ Always remember,
>( o o )  AKA Landon Solomon   \ "There is a
>  >\./< [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ third alternative."

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