
There are a great many "British Cousins" on another list I frequent (16mmngm 
on Yahoo), so I forwarded part of your request there.  Among the several 
answers from England was this one from Colin B, whom I have found to be most 

"Litharge is lead monoxide and used to be available in powder form at most
ironmongers. When finely ground and freshly mixed with glycerine into a
paste it may be used as a sealing compound.  It sets in a few minutes and is
then water, steam and acid proof.  Do not use on any joint which must be
subsequently split."

Casey, my degree is in Chemistry, and I must add that the stuff is lethal to 
brain cells and has subsequently been banned from paint and other products in 
the USA.


Don Cram
Gauge 1, Fn3-Scale
Rio Rancho, New Mexico, USA
Monday, April 16, 2001 at 2:07:34 PM Mountain Time 

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