It very well could be that simple.  I'm going to have to experiment now.
The hardest part will be getting the wire out through the metal turret
without leaks.  Should be possible with an enamel-coated wire.

I'll get back to you...  ;]

Trot, the thinkerin', fox...

On Tue, 1 May 2001, Trent Dowler wrote:

>   Now, my "non electronics" mind started to work. If a simple electrode (wire?)
> were to be placed down through the existing steam fitting, insulated from the
> actual fittings and boiler, and the other contact was the boiler itself, could
> the water act as the conductor between the two contacts ot trigger a simple
> electronics circuit to light an LED when the contact was broken (no water
> conductance between the two contacts)? Will the distilled water conduct enough
> current to actually be of use? Would it be simpler to light an LED and then it
> go out when the water level drops to the low level?
>   Sounds too simple. Anyone with ideas out there?
> Later,
> Trent

 /\_/\        TrotFox        \ Always remember,
( o o )  AKA Landon Solomon   \ "There is a
 >\./< [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ third alternative."

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