Paul, a portion of the BSRR rings an 8 foot pond with
Koi.  Fish are approx 10 years old, railroad 9 and
live steam 4, all with no co-habitation problems.  I
do not run weekly, more likely once or twice a month
all year long.

--- Paul Gamlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am in the stages of completing my garden (steam )
> layout .
> We have two koi ponds that will be circled by tracks
> that live steam
> engines will travel my question is , if anyone else
> has the same
> situation and if so have you noticed any problems
> from  steam oil
> contamination  of the pond and if it was a  problem
> for the fish .
> My Steam up Start up area will be away from the
> ponds .
> Paul Gamlin

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