Hello Tom,

  Didn't someone recently post (+/- past two months) that they used 2 part epoxy to
attach parts directly to the smokebox of a steamer? If so, the epoxy might also act as
an insulator for the part being attached by keeping it from being in direct contact
with the boiler. Just a thought, and maybe not a good one.
  I mounted my Ozark Miniatures air tank directly to the underneath side of the running
board with CA glue. The pump (also Ozark Miniatures) is CA glued to a bracket that is
attached to the rear running board bracket with the screw that holds the running board
itself in place. The piping was connected to the pump by drilling a shallow hole of
proper size in the pump and then held in place with CA glue.
  The boiler is a jacketed and insulated (ceramic fiber) internal fire tube type with
neither whitemetal part in direct contact with the boiler.  So far I've not had a
problem with the CA glue turning loose or either part dropping to the track in a heap
of molten metal.


> What method of attachment would you recommend?  I'm
> specifically interested in using the air tank (brass body, white metal
> ends) and air pump.

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