Thank you Trent.  I am a "creative" modeler, woods and
plastics. I have no metal working tools except a
Dremel drill, a small drill press with a 1/4 hp motor
and hand tools.  It sounds as if Sulfur Springs once
again comes to the rescue.  Thanks again.

--- Trent Dowler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>   If you wanted to go the "ready made" route,
> Sulphur Springs sells
> small cylinder drain cocks.
>   In their catalog #5, page 17, they have the
> cylinder drain cocks
> listed. They have 3 sizes listed. 5/32"-40 threads
> ($46.00/2pr.),
> 3/16"-40 ($46.00/2pr.), 1/4"-40 ($55.00/2pr.). The
> prices listed may or
> may not be correct since my price sheet is about a
> year old.
>   I understand that the Paule's (Sulphur Springs
> owners) have had some
> sort of emergency and so you may have a slight bit
> of trouble getting in
> touch with them for a while. Hope the emergency is
> over soon for them.
>   Hope this helps.
> Later,
> Trent

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