At 08:09 AM 8/20/01 -0500, you wrote:
>and is there anything I have to get done before I can run?
>(Boiler certification, etc.)

     Hah!  Several years ago at DH, in a Q&A period after a boiler seminar,
I made the statement that eventually this would become necessary for our
own good, and as an indication to the general public (and the courts) that
personal safety is a foremost concern in small scale live steam, and that
we should begin to develop a certification process, or at least be aware
that it would eventually come.  I was nearly chased from the podium.  One
hombre went for his shootin' arn.
    This doesn't mean that I advocate required certifications.  Not at all,
and when talking about this subject it should be kept in mind that in the
U.S., in most states, what you do within the confines of private property
with your invited guests is your own business.  It's when we operate in the
presence of the uninformed public (like DH) that the atmosphere changes.
All one has to do is to look around at large scale clubs and associations
in the US, England, and Australia to see that ALL of organized live steam
has adopted programs and requirements to certify and demonstrate that the
well being of the general public is of concern to us.

Harry Wade
Nashville, Tn

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