Greetings list!
Having just received my first copy of the G1MRA Newsletter and Journal, I am
very impressed with the project locomotive "Dee" a S.E. & C.R. 4-4-0
Passenger locomotive.
I will be ordering the construction book soon. I am interested to know if
there are any other USA builders of this model? If so, did you buy the rough
castings from British suppliers? Or are there any US sources for the rough
castings? It is a treat to me to finally find a model engineering project
model in No. 1 gauge, and something more than shake it out of the box!
It is doubly a treat to find that the model is NOT a teakettle! Nice as they
are, some of us want to build mainline locomotives. (Just a personal
preference of mine, but I don't consider anything with less than six wheels
to be a locomotive. Four wheeled thingies are, to me, a piece of
construction equipment)
Any comments would be welcome!
Keith Taylor


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