At 05:16 PM 10/23/01 +0100, you wrote:
>Can someone explain to me what is happening on this list, [snip]
>about maybe 10 have made any sense to me
>Best regards to all
>Geoff Waldorf, Bristol

   The list hasn't been here forever so none of the subscribers have
either, well except Geoff Spencely and no one knows how long he's been
around.   It's actually relatively new in comparison to some other Lists.
If anyone would recognize an "in" reference it would be me and I don't see
anything being said that I would term overly cryptic or troublesome,
although with the exception of a few international members the discussions
are admittedly  predominantly US in origin.  One of the most often heard
comments from members of the British contingents who attend our steamups is
how different the atmosphere is from the typical British meet.  Therein may
lie some of the problem in that we tend to be much more informal and
chatty.  It's also possible this might also suggest to present members that
"you ain't makin' any sense".   Nevertheless in comparison to other lists
(even British-oriented ones) our threads tend to be relatively short and
self-contained and not intermittant or drawn out over long periods of time.
 Occasionally members living in the same region might discuss a regional
affair, and yes there are personal exchanges, but that is reflective of the
sense of community we enjoy here.  Occasionally the topic will wander off
into something that is outside the scope of this List but it soon rights
itself (or someone rights it).
   Perhaps the best way to get what you want or expect out of it is to make
contributions along the lines you think appropriate.  Even a question is a
contribution because it keeps things moving and I have yet to see a single
instance where someone made light of another's honest question no matter
how elementary.   I know I for one like to keep abreast of what's going on
in the UK in mainline modeling and often have questions about products or
materials or technology available in the UK which might be useful in my own
work.  You input is needed.
Best regards,
Harry wade
Nashville Tennessee

PS   With regard to my criptic, inside joke reference to Geoff Spencely,
he's a transplanted Brit, a fine fellow, and for many years a resident of
California, the land of fruits and nuts, where he must fit in because as
far as I know they haven't ask him to leave.

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