At 01:55 PM 10/29/01 -0600, you wrote:
>To prevent further confusion about the degree symbol ( ° ), it will only
>work on the keypad, not the numbers across the top of the keyboard
>Being a CAD guy myself, I understand how Harry knew the trick,

    I'm not a computer wonk so I'm just using what I learned from someone
else.  The 248 (for instance) is simply the ASCII character number for the
degree symbol.  There are a bunch more.  If you want to see and extensive
list have a look here: <>
   This is only one list and there are several variations and not all
numbers produce the same characters.  For instance according to this site
#248 will produce "Ø".  I addition these characters don't always produce
the desired results in all systems, especially our friends in the UK and
other countries.  That's why I asked what it looked like on my post.


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