Geoff, and those of the list,

It might be worth noting an interesting  find in the latest Northern
Hydraulics catalog..... a corn fired "wood" stove. While I do not have any
data on the BTU per Lb. of corn, I does make one think. I bet you could run
a loco on it. I wonder if it would smell like a movie theater?

-----Original Message-----
From: Geoff Spenceley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: Messages on this list

> Well said Keith,
>Tony was actually just "bragging"! We misplaced Brits are like that!
>As for peat, I tried firing an OS  3-1/2" gauge Porter ( whoops-wrong scale
>again!!) on wood pellets (the type used for stoves). I actually got
>pressure up for a few minutes but you couldn't see me or the loco for
>smoke. Nobody present missed  me, but they did miss the Porter! I challenge
>Tony to fire that Britannia (10mm!!!) he keeps bragging about on wood
>pellets- (or peat?)--make sure they are hardwood chips. All I could find
>was softwood pellets..
>No apologies to Tony!
>aid ----- Original Message -----
>>From: Anthony Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Then  last  weekend  decided  to  air  out  my  alcohol  fired  U1  for
>>> a  change.
>>>        I  ran  the  U1  twice  at  Gary  Broeders  track  for  > 20 -
>>> 25  laps  per  alcohol/water  refill.
>>> After  running  the  coal  fired  engine,  the  alcohol  engine  was
>>> somewhat  boring,  going
>>> round and  round  and  no  top  ups  or  re-stoking  required,  al
>>> la  "electric",  with  nothing  to
>>> do
>>I've been pondering your "plight!" I figure the only solution would be for
>>you to donate the U-1 to the Keith Taylor locomotive repository and home
>>unloved steam locomotives!
>>We are not proud, and accept all sorts of firing systems. Heck, we'll even
>>take locos that burn Peat! (an Irish 4-4-0 Tank engine I used to run as a
>>kid in New Jersey, 3' gauge, came over from Ireland with it's bunkers
>>filled with Peat fuel. We tried it, and damned if it wasn't the hottest
>>cleanest burning fuel we ever came across!)
>>So, give your U-1 the retirement home it deserves. We'll even be happy to
>>send you pictures of it being enjoyed by the gang here in Maine!
>>Very truly yours, in jest!    Keith
>>I make sure now to TELL folks when I'm kidding around. You'd be sur[rised
>>the number of people with absolutely no sense of humor!  KT

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