for those interested in lateral thinking.O. Bullied while CME of Eire
National Railways in 1950,s  built and ran a Locmotive somewhat like a small
Jawn Henry [N&W] in looks,,it had piston valved engines in each bogie[truck]
a boiler which was double ended and fired by stoker in a firebox at the
middle with turf from a hopper, this loco ran successfully at its designed
speed of 70MPH, was very quiet in running [fan drafting at both ends of the
boiler] and tracked like a 6 axle diesel.. it was planned to supplement
diesels in case of Oil shortages, but did not use it burned
about 90lbs of turf /mile, since turf ahs about half the BTUs of coal,this
was a pretty good boiler/engine design when compared to average coal burning
locos of the time..the small bore high speed steam engines in the bogies had
characteristics similar to electric motors and this was a deliberate part of
the design to give similar acceleration to D/E locos..very interesting!


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