My son Andy, a viola and music technology MA student,
composed the following shortly after my obsession with
finishing the first phase of my layout, The Trestle.
~Gary Lane, Eugene, Oregon
Chant to the tune of "If I only had a brain."

Oh how my life would be so cheerful,
And my garden not so dribble,
If I only had a train.
I would weed out every thistle,
I would even build a trestle,
If I only had a train.

Every Christmas now you see
The train goes round the tree (sigh)
I only have a train.
I need track for the garden,
'Cause now my vice is starv'n,
I only have a train.

Oh the track came in the mail,
I couldn't wait for a sale
It was needed for my train.
I can build it low and high,
My trestle to the sky
It is needed for my train.

Now the trestle's almost finished
And I drank up all the Guiness
I am working for my train.
I've been working oh so hard,
The racoon's are gonna starve,*
I am working for my train.

Now I am old and stout
And my trestle's rotted out,
I no longer have that train
Every Christmas now yousee
The train goes around the tree,
I only have that train.

As I lay in my bed
Choo-choos always fill my head,
I am dreaming of a train.
I see one in shiney brass
One that will not break my (back)
I am dreaming of a train.

*Gary feeds a loyal coterie of racoons every night, in our carport, with dry
cat food.
**Feeding the racoons keeps the racoons from tearing up the yard looking for


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