Most Esteemed Harry and  and Lunk's Lesser Asst,

Thankyou for your kind comments. I shall  now be the Grand High Poohbah,
but I can never get as rancid as the NG chaps who predominate in this
countg--three of them--just love 'em, smell and all!

Saw Harry Potter last nite, just wonderful--but--I'd see it all over again
just for that Olton Hall--even if it was red!! The chuff 5thru the hillls
was majestic,( something had to be loose like my King!) I am peed off tho,
for at the end, the director, (who was obviously steamentally challenged)
didn't show the loco chuffing off, just the coaches. But they were lovely--
(Is Harry  going to build them??)

With apologies to  Mr Cole,  ( who has been very patient lately, a lovely
fellow): I also spotted myself (as an extra) in the trailer of Majestic.
Well, when yer as old as me,  yer got start bragging, even  tho I am
naturally very modest..

Grand High Poohbah Geoff.

Think I'll start a Redwood Region--one member up here within 250 miles--me!

  Harry wrote: Vote yourself Imminent Grand High Poohbah . . .  by acclamation!

 And Walt!! Hope he takes his 'gum boots' off before he goes into the
house. That "deep
>humiliation" he's standing in can get pretty rancid, especially if it is
>Keep your steam up!
>Mr. B. W. Lunkenheimer


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