> I need to do some lettering on a Class A Climax I'm completing. My penmanship is
> appalling, but I have been able to generate what I need on computer. Are there
> any companies offering a computer file to decal type of service? Ideally I'd
> like to email the file and get back the decals by FedEx. Is this in the
> realms of reality? If not what other methods do you use?


Two suggestions.  Check the ALPS printer group - I think they are on 
egroups.yahoo.com, and you may have to sign up for Yahoo to access the group.  But 
several of their members will print decals for a small fee.  The ALPS is now obsolete, 
but it used non-water-soluble inks.  I've used some decals made this way, and they are 

Alternatively, email Robert Dustin at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  He makes professional decals 
on a computer and should be able to transfer your file to his system.


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