Trent et al,

Whoops, wrong scale but I attempted to fire an OS Porter- 3-1/2" gauge with
wood stove pellets. I couldn't find harwood so had to use softwood--bad!!
I'd get pressure up for a short while but the loco and I could not be
seen--lovely smoke screen, spectacular! Caught my hat afire with sparks
too. I kerosene fired it too, but not  very sucessfully. Never did like
propane- and coal was the natural way to go.

I enjoyed all Kevin's info on stainless steel for our "right' scale
locos.-I've got to get into that more.


>   Now you REALLY have my attention. Wood fired small scale, or large
>"ride-on" scale?
>Geoff Spenceley wrote:
>>Three scales, three gauges, steam, butane,
>>alcohol and coal,  (wood once) sparkies, you name it! Lots of  the "Hand of
>>God"  powered too.


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