At 12:31 PM 11/29/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Have you tried people who cater to potters who use firebrick in their kilns

    I can't speak for anyone else (naturally!) but a few years ago I went
through a struggle when looking for the perforated/corrugated ceramic
material we see used for disk burners.  It seemed to be everywhere, I even
found a manufacturer that used it by the truckload, but I could never
actually BUY it.  I finally found a few scraps.
   But this is a different animal, used for a different purpose, and so I
didn't know to begin looking until yesterday.  Assuming this works as well
as I hear it does has anyone else seen this as a landmark Ga1 technological
breakthrough that could do away with fiber wicks?   As in going from vacuum
tubes to transistors?  But then there will be the hard-core wick
traditionalists . .


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