I have had good luck with the steam oil supplied by Roundhouse in both 
my  SR #24 and Aster Mikado.  I like that it is thinner, it seems to me 
that this would work better in our small engines.
                                                              Steve Speck

At 07:06 AM 11/30/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>Pullleeze.......go to
>http://www.southernsteamtrains.com/notes/steam%20oil.htm to learn about
>steam oil.  By the way my attempts to obtain ISO 220 steam oil here in the
>states has come to naught since none of the stocking dealers I have
>contacted handle the stuff, and I don't want to purchase a 55 gallon drum
>just for testing purposes.
>     I was surprised to see that the bottle of steam oil that Roger Loxley
>supplied with the Roundhouse Forney that I bought last summer was ISO 220.
>I don't want to open the original packet (instructions, gloves, stuff, etc.)
>as I want to preserve them for the next guy, but I could not help notice
>that when one shakes the bottle the oil appears to be pretty skinny.  I do
>not mean anything negative by that, as it is film strength that's the
>important discriminator, and that's not strictly dependent on viscosity.
>     One last thought: there are three things that make steam oil steam oil;
>tallow, tallow, and tallow.  About 4% is right!


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