At 06:50 PM 1/4/02 -0500, you wrote:
>boley is still stocked and sold by s. la rose & co. in north carolina,

    Not unless someone has opened Boley back up.  They may still list them
but Boley sold out to Bergion (I think) a European watchmaking tool
manufacturer who promptly closed the machine tool production operation and
refused to respond to any further inquiry about the Boley tool line or
requests for parts or accessories.  It's possible LaRose has unsold stock
but I called them a couple of years ago to ask about ANY WW style
accesseries and parts and they said there was none left, they cleared their
shelves of all of it.  In the end the price for a new Boley WW style
"American" model had risen above $3k, bare.   Now, as you say, a couple of
$100 will buy a perfectly acceptable one.  
     We had a company similar to LaRose here and in the end they also sold
all their stock out and traded only in used lathes (for which they asked a
small fortune.)   Levin is still very much in business in CA and makes the
best micro lathes in the world now.  I don't presently have any plans to
buy one, I think I'd rather have a brand new car, say a Miata, instead.
:-o  Then there is Leinen, . . .  and Boley-Leinen, two different makers,
both defunct.   It seems that every time a partner or cousin had a spat
with the boss they broke off and started their own lathe brand.


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