Howdy all,

 The stack in question was made several years ago from an old door knob as
suggested by Kevin strong. I was fortunate enough to have a suitable
candidate on the bathroom door in my shop. was sacrificed for the
good of the project. My house is full of the same type doorknob but I am a
little wary of taking any of these. :_)

 This cabbage stack was made for what used to be a Pearse Colorado that
spent some quality time with a jeweler's saw. I was going after a Argent
Lumber CO.  Swamp Rat look. See the book, "The Last of the Swamp Rats". Our
own Richard Finlayson was chief hacker on a Pearse loco of his own at the
time and provided much inspiration for my project.

Steam is good,

Carl Malone
Algerita Botanical Railway
San Angelo, Tx

> > Vance,
> >
> >      It happens every time. I sent the link awhile ago and then found
> > the other ones I was looking for. Enjoy!
> > -The apparent prototype
> > for Carl's Swamp Rat locomotive.
> > -Another page devoted to
> > his locomotive.
> >
> > Later,
> > Trent
> >
> > Subject: Re: doorknobs and cabbage stacks
> >
> > Is that a Pierce loco under there?  Enquireing minds wanna know!
> >
> > Trot, the unspellable, fox...
> >


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