Hallo  Tony et al,

I keep missing these steamups--Clark's too--It's my wife's fault for being
born--the family comes from far and near on her birthday to sympathise over
her marriage!

It wasn't MY dog that bit me and I'm still infected--more so than my normal
state! I haven't started barking and foaming yet, I only manage to get my
locos to do that. It was lovely firing the Britannia with good Welsh
coal--no clinkers, light on the smoke, hi on the steam

Dam the antiboitics and dack to a hot poltice!


>Hi Geoffrey,
>    I hear you gave your dog  a serious  injury, but you had to take the
>medication for it?.
>Do you even begrudge your dog a taste of the good stuff. Shame on you!.
>   Steve was correct about Gary's steamup, however I think he mean't to say
>"most of us maintained steam, and all maintained dignity and cordiality".
>Even during the re-enaction of the mid west cornfield meet!.
>   Please relay my sympathies to your dog.
>   "Rule Britannia".
>   Tony D.
>At 06:15 PM 4/11/02 -0700, Geoff Spenceley wrote:
>>I really wanted to attend GaryB's steamup but we had all the family from
>>the four corners.
>>  Glad you all had a good time--Cordiality--yes--but dignity??  Are we
>>turning into Brits??--now we have our National  Summer Steamup to look
>>forward to-- Of course,  there  are others before then.- this weekend and
>>the next.
>> >
>> >Seriously, I am glad to hear that your convalescence is proceeding
>> >positively, and that you have retained your sense of priorities.
>> >
>> >Regarding the weather and seasonal activities, a bunch of us enjoyed a
>> >wonderful steamup at Gary B's last Saturday. All locos steamed
>> >magnificently. All participants maintained dignity and cordiality.
>> >
>> >Regards,
>> >Steve
>> >
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: Geoff Spenceley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> >Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 5:00 PM
>> >To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam
>> >Subject: Re: List Down?
>> >
>> >
>> > Walt of the Swamp,
>> >
>> >Reference  the Lab--enclose an extra ten bucks with his get well card--for
>> >his  solicitor!! --yers knows yer Limey law--dontya!
>> >
>> >Geoff
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >I would like to recommend my solicitor for the Labrador.
>> >>Keep your steam up!
>> >>Mr. B. W. Lunkenheimer, CFO
>> >>The SWAMP RR
>> >
>> >
>> >


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