On 31/5/02 7:51 pm, "Peter Foley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 08:57 AM 31/05/02, CWolcott wrote:
>> (Do you know if RoundHouse safeties are weepers or pop?  I just steamed my
>> Lady Anne kit for the first time and it's safety never went off, but did
>> not weep anything like my Ruby's used to.)
> They are weepers.  Early Roundhouse locos had pop type safeties, but they
> changed years ago to the weeper style.  Something about safety, they say,
> but I could never see the problem, myself.

This was about the idea that a child could get a face full of steam Peter!
Modern rug rats/ankle biters have to be protected against anything not soft
and bouncy until old enough to become a hazard themselves.
The result is that original safety valves are much sought after.  Steve
Morris was making some for a while as was Bywater. None available at the
moment commercially however.

Yours Aye

Tag Gorton
Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon Office

Directors: T. Gorton, E. Lash

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