The Finescale  GWR48XX  has a vertical action hand pump--in the side tank
as there is no tender. It works very well.

Frankly, I have had hardly any problems with tender hand pumps or the check
valves (balls) in 1/32 up to 1/16 scale locos. That, of course, is because
I didn't build them!! I only recall one incident where I had to take one
apart. In one other case some air pressure  to the outlet piping solved the
problem. The air pressure to the intake or oulet will often free up those
obstinate little balls.

>You could make one that pumps up and down. I recall seeing one in a past
>issue of Garden Rail. I have locos with cross wise and front to back, they
>both work fine. Forward to back is nice if you are between 2 rows of


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