At 6:45 AM -0700 7/16/02, Shyvers, Steve wrote:
>The story went something like it  was built by
>Baldwin for export but the order was cancelled. I will research it, but it
>might take a week or so depending on the book's availability. Of course I
>can't remember the title or author. I will make sure to get the publisher's

yes, i'm sure that the engine had to be obscure or everybody would be 
running out there and making the conversion.

thank you for your research efforts, no matter how long they may take.


Dave Cole
Gen'l Sup't:  Grand Teton & Everglades Steam Excursion Co.
               Pacifica, Calif. USA <> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
List Mom:     sslivesteam, the list of small-scale live steamers
               <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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