Vance, me Lad,

What is all this about Lucinda, or is she famous and I don't know her? but
I want her! I'll be 80 in a few days, and I almost remember wot a
passionate kiss is!! My pen aint quite out of ink yet??--  plus I
automatically rock and roll when I walk! Our house is also full of --well
you know what it's full of--things that demand hot water and steam with a
passion! I can meet all of Lucinda's demands--well,  at least I can try!!


Mike, this is the case with my Lady Anne kit.  Probably they shouldn't be
>wiggling around _too_ much, but a little wiggle doesn't seem to affect the
>performance.  Appears to be a design feature, or something so insignificant
>it's not worth redesigning.
>Is it too much to demand? I want a full house and a rock-and-roll band,
>Pens that won't run out of ink, and cool quiet and time to think.
>Shouldn't I have all of this, and passionate kisses?  - Lucinda Williams


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