Well Ken,

Perhaps you don't think this would count, but I am building a sort of
American ' Project'.

I bought a 'Project' boiler from a guy some 20ys ago & it was looking for a
home 'till last year. Anyway it is now destined for a little US Mogul which
with a bit of luck might be ready for Diamondhead. That's the intention
It will use Roundhouse cylinders which are OK sizewise for US 1/32 you might
be surprised to hear, & will be meths fired. However there is no real reason
you could not use a Roundhouse type single flue boiler particularly with an
'O'Connorised' radiant burner to minimise gas consumption. As Aster & others
have found out, a gas tank in the tender & high gas consumption results in
cooling problems.

Don't agree with your statement about 'Brits having it easy'. There is
nothing 'easy' about inside cylinders & valve gear whether in model or
'real' form. Why do you think the whole world went over to the US way of
doing - provided they were not bugged with track clearance problems?
To the untutored eye, inside slip eccentics with outside cylinders is a
pretty close approximation of Stephenson & RH has shown how easy it is to
fake a plausible Walshaerts gear. You point this out correctly for the early
US 4-4-0s but a snag is that these gals had pretty small diameter boilers.

US difficulties revolve mainly round how to make plausible bar frames - a
task which is more difficult for the modeller than for the prototype.
Another difficulty is the near total abscence of affordable 1/32 stock. Most
stuff on the market seems to be of 1/29 or some other bastard scale.

Art Walker, Guildford, England.

----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of sslivesteam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 1:46 AM
Subject: American project?

> Hi all,
> I wondder if everyone is out steaming? There has been little mail today.
> here is a little conversation stimulation.
> I was wondering, what kind of interest would there be in an American 1/32
> scale prototype project locomotive.
> Obviously, the brits have it a bit easier with their inside cylinder
> locomotives (Dee, Project) than we do with outside cylinders and valve
> But I think that the proper choice of locomotive would make things easier.
> Just looking at a few photos, it looks like many early 1900's 4-4-0 locos
> have Stephenson valve gear inside of the frames. With only the drive rods
> outside I think it would be possible be fudge the use of a slip eccentric
> valve gear. I think another draw to the 4-4-0 model would be that it culd
> spiffed up with different stacks, pilots (cowcatchers, per earlier
> discussions), domes, etc, and still be "prototypical" as there were lots
> veriations with these locos.
> Any other ideas?
> Ken Vogel


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