
I've been silent about the progress of the GT&E because of potential jinxes, but I'm at the point where I need some help.

After drawing an arc for a wide curve (almost 12 feet) on the benchwork and using the bent-stick method of obtaining an easement (transition), I find that the curve appears to be 5 degrees off the tangent.

The design has the tangent rail continuing and, using a turnout, the potential to go left onto the curve.

I'm ordering a frog and points to build a switch and I want to make sure: according to my calculations, 5 degrees should be a No. 12 frog and points.

If this is as clear as mud, I'll try again.



Dave Cole
Gen'l Sup't: Grand Teton & Everglades Steam Excursion Co.
Pacifica, Calif. USA <> <mailto:dmc@;>
List Mom: sslivesteam, the list of small-scale live steamers


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