Dear Arthur,

Thanks for the tip, I'm sure it enlightens many of us.  See ya soon!


Dear Geoff,
>I have some experience in personally transporting live steam locomotives on
>a plane.  I use a roll-on case with the equipment rolled up in toweling.
>When I get to the security x-ray machine I immediately tell the inspection
>people: "I have something here that you have never seen before, a model
>train locomotive, it's really something".  That usually is enough and they
>then recognize it.  If I am asked to open my case everyone gathers around to
>oh and ah over it.  I might loose 10 minutes at the most.  I do not carry
>any tools in the case.  My case this time weighs in at 20 kilos with my #268
>and its aluminum carrier.  For the lesser informed that is 44 lbs.  The big
>problem is getting it in the overhead bin because of its weigh, not size.
>So don't sweat it out.  No problem.


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