Hey Dave.

No need for an apology  Thanks for telling us of all those pics and tons of
thanks to those wonderful folks Pete and Carol--and Jim Pitts for their
efforts--fantastic. I swear, what would be do without Carol, she  is always
there working hard for us--and I do mean hard! She is one dedicated lady
and we all appreciate her very much.

I really thought I was a dummy on computers, but Mac has taught me well.
When I clicked on the link and it didn't come up. I recognised in a micro
second (that's ten minutes for my brain)   that a  slash /  was missing. I
am sure many others recognised this too--otherwise you would be flooded
with Emails.

Clark, your problem is; that you didn't come to DH this year to refresh
your brain. We all REALLY missed you, --but of course,  I only missed the
beer you provide!! Perhaps we can settle this over a beer in
Sacramento--(your treat!)--you'd better bloomin' well come.

Cantakerous Geoff, who likes to lecture when it's Clark!

At 10:24 PM -0600 1/27/03, Trent Dowler wrote:
>>New link with addition " / " behind the http:
>clark lord called me up yesterday to complain that the link wasn't
>working ... i patiently told him that i tested every link before i
>sent a message out (because of far too many times of typing something
>so we sat there on the phone: i clicked on the link in the message
>and got the page and he clicked on the link in the message and got
>and error message. neither of us could figure out why.
>Trent finds the missing slash and clark and i now realize that we
>were on different types of browsers (he on windows netscape, me on
>mac mozilla) and that my browser just happily added the second slash
>(as, apparently, does windows internet explorer), but windows
>netscape didn't.
>so for those of you on windows netscape -- or some other browser that
>wouldn't add the missing slash -- i apologize.
>Dave Cole
>Gen'l Sup't:  Grand Teton & Everglades Steam Excursion Co.
>               Pacifica, Calif. USA <http://45mm.com/> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>List Mom:     sslivesteam, the list of small-scale live steamers
>               <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>For more information, visit the web site at <http://www.summersteamup.com>


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