Count me in (JR May) as a builder of  Dee.  I have the castings and the
frame parts, just need to sit down and start cutting metal.  Also have
boiler tube that came with a bunch of  parts for a live steam 1/4" scale
4-8-4 that I picked up at the local hobby store that had been buried on the
bottom of a box of junk.  Came away with 4 beautiful 1880s PRR coaches in
that deal, although again 1/4" scale.

Thanks for keeping track of the builders!


----- Original Message -----
From: Harry Wade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 9:20 AM
Subject: DEE Locomotive Builders

>      Dick Moger (the designer) has wondered out loud how many G1MRA DEE
> locomotive projects there are under construction world-wide at the moment
> and I'm curious also.  I volunteered to get a count on this side of the
> Pond so would anyone on the SS List from the Americas who has a DEE under
> construction please let me know, along with what has been done so far.
> Thanks,
> Harry Wade

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