
The petticoat is like a funnel--so you have the right idea. It also makes
the stack work as a venturi nozzle which creates the  draft to draw the
fire. I thought most Asters had petti-coats? My wife used to too.


Well JR May,
>This Alisan Shay has two nozzles in the smoke box. Both end about 2/3 of the
>distance from the smokebox floor to the smoke stack entrance. They are both
>aimed (now that I altered the aim) directly toward the stack entrance.
>Perhaps a small funnel at the entrance to the stack would enhance the draft?
>Gary - Running trains over Terror Trestle in Eugene, Oregon
>I tend to work with the full size stuff, so please bear with me on this as I
>am not familiar with the small scales.  Anyway, do these engines have
>petti-coat pipes in the smoke box?  I'm thinking that maybe the exhaust is
>not traveling up the stack correctly.  The petti coat pipe directs the
>exhaust up the stack and generally fits almost down over the exhaust nozzle.
>The exhaust then can not simply blow into the smoke box area, rather it is
>directed up the stack and providing the draft needed by the fire.
>Just a thought.
>----- Original Message -----
>To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 3:44 PM
>Subject: Alisan Shay
>> A couple of questions raised by Gordon Watson's observations and
>> recommendations:
>> I have already realigned the blower nozzle so that draft does occur
>> used to be aimed at the smokebox wall). While I could make a new exhaust
>> nozzle why not either (1) simply squeeze the nozzle to a smaller opening
>> with pliers or (2) fill the nozzle with solder then re-drill rather than
>> make an entirely new nozzle?
>> I would think that a free flowing exhaust would be good. But Gordon has
>> helped me reason that velocity of exhaust helps create needed draft.
>> Therefore shrinking the opening would create more draft by increasing
>> velocity of exhaust out the stack. As an observation, the fire in the
>> Shay seems to burn noticeably better when the piston exhaust is providing
>> draft than when the fire has no blower or no exhaust. If I compare the
>> burn when using the blower, the fire is hotter when the blower is cracked
>> than more open since the draft causes a more unsteady and more yellow
>> The electric or battery powered Aster blower produces a nice fire, but the
>> fire is a bit better with piston exhaust draft. The fire now has a nice
>> blue flame for the stainless steel mesh wick, and shorter blue fires for
>> standard asbestos string wicks. I have not yet tried the new fiberglass
>> wicks I bought with some other gasket supplies.
>> After wallpaper hanging today, I will experiment with the fire a bit more.
>> PS Gordon: To write to sslivesteam chat list use "text only" format and
>> Gary - Wishing I was steaming trains over Terror Trestle in Eugene, Oregon



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