----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of sslivesteam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: glitching

> > I don't RC my direction control because of glitching.
> Dave - smart man.  I've had a few concertina pile-ups of hoppers due to my
C-16 stopping dead on my ground-level layout.  I partially solve the problem
by turning off the transmitter, so there aren't any corrupt or marginal
signals flying around to confuse the receiver!
> Have you looked at the RCS version for steam engines? (www.rcs-rc.com) The
good news about r/c designed for railroads is that they use "command
control" and only transmit when needed, so the receiver can more easily
distinguish noise from signal.  I think some transmit the command several
times, so the receiver has a really easy time.
> Clem fitted one to a C-16 and says it works as advertised, and there is a
review in SitG this month of a loco with whistle/bell sound effects driven
from the RCS receiver.  My electric loco with an RCS has never exhibited any
> Anyone else had any experience with RCS?
> Pete, In reading about RCS live steam version I was concerned about the
"grades" part and reaction time. At my friend's track you need to be quick
with the throttle. The track was built for small electrics with 2-4% grades
and tight turns, then came Ruby and our lives quickly changed.



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