One more observation, Aster productions sell out in a relative shot
time,with one exception, the C&S mogul, This was narrow gauge & gas fired.
Pruduced in 1991 with a total production of 480 units, and they are still
avalible new from aster dealers. Thats a very slow mover! It was 11 years
before offering another gas fired engine, and it is the JNR B20  an 0-4-0
offered in 2002 ith a total production of 200 units. Aster has produced
almost 60 different engines, many were offered in 2,3 different versions.
i.e.: USRA Mikado ,black or green, : Jumbo,in LNWR black,LMS red, LMS black.
That is to say  Accucraft would count all K- 27 as One and all C-16 as One .
 I have never heard any production numbers for Accucraft or Round House, is
this information available? I would think Accucraft would have to have good
production numbers to support their low prices.
Jeff in NC

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