Just for the record Vance . . .
TCA one upmanship has driven a few to leave for kinder groups like our
informal club for G trains here in Eugene. There were a few snobs who left
the group because we were too informal. There are some with enough money to
buy almost anything who have a great attitude of interest without acrimony
or ruthlessness.

----- Original Message -----
From: Vance Bass
To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: Reno, was a subject now banned

Keith, it sounds like we were like-minded tinplate fans (when I was still
active in the TCA).  I still have some nice cast-iron wind-ups, and pre-
WWII streamliners, which were my favorites.  I finally got priced out of
the trains I liked by people with unlimited budgets and ruthless
attitudes.  Certainly, there were plenty of friendly people who just liked
classic toys, but the general atmosphere changed enough in the early
1980s that I bailed.  Call me a wimp, I won't flinch.  Accuse me of
painting the whole lot with an overly broad brush, and I will sheepishly
apologize to you and the other nice folks.  Now that I have (relatively)
big bucks I can spend on my hobby, I'd rather use them on live steam.


Vance Bass
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Small-scale live steam resources: http://www.nmia.com/~vrbass


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