We had a special safety meeting at the Pennsylvania Live Steam track today.
It was a very  nice spring day. The old Reading Railroad right of way that
fronts PLS has been converted to a county hiking/biking trail. We had a lot
of visitors that never knew we were there. We handed out 4 applications for
associate memberships. I'm not sure what is going to happen in a few weeks
when we have our first official run day. I ran my RH#24 for the first time
in a while. Great day. Track wintered well.

Phil P

> > "preaching to the choir" and not out on the street
> > corner recruiting converts like the "Sally Ann" did years
> > ago.
> OK, Walt has issued the challenge -- what are we going to do in
> response?
> How about a pledge for each of us to have (or attend) an open house
> and teach at least one willing volunteer to run a live steamer?  That's
> what got me hooked (thanks, Ken Matticks!) and you will all remember
> the thrill of your first run, I expect.
> We are remodeling our back yard so it will be more hospitable to a
> railroad, so all my track will be relaid and the railroad finally
> this spring or early summer.  I intend to have a steam-and-batteries-
> only open house, and will teach anyone interested to fire a Ruby or C-
> 16.
> If we all did it and got one person interested in live steam, think of
> what an impact that would make on our overall numbers!
> regards,
>   -vance-
> Vance Bass
> Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
> Small-scale live steam resources: http://www.nmia.com/~vrbass

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