
You have the right idea.  The lubricator would have to be moved as I
wouldn't want the "superheated" line under the boiler cooking the oil as it
proceeds to the cylinders. Of course, the line could be moved but I like
the concept of heating the line. There is an awful lot of condensation with
the Ruby compared to any other loco I own. Anyway, I am seriously
considering the project.

Now the Daylight, I am sure, would be a major project, quite a challenge!!

Thanks for your input.


Geoff, never tought about that before, but I think you may be on to
>something with the "C" type boiler. building the firebox and chicken feed
>spirit system should not be to hard. I'm already starting to think about
>that Daylight that Accucraft is talking about. I was ready to write it off
>because I'm sure they will gas fire it. but there may be hope yet. ..Aster
>K-4's Hudsons,.....hmmmm lota of possibilities. has anyone ever tried this
>Jeff in NC


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