Harry Wade said...
>         I don't know about this speed thing.  Generally I'm a
>"prototypical speed" guy, not because I'm so hung on prototypical (in
>building yes, running no) but because of the aesthetics of it, it harkens
>back to my Lionel days when as a kid I ran things with the throttle in the
>corner (otherwise how was that loco ever going to jump the gap!!)   I'd
>like to think I'd matured since then, and I'm also thinking "Wot's the
>hurry?"  But I have to temper this with the reality that I've only ever had
>shortish loops to run on.  I might feel entirely differently if I had 150'
>of straightaway and superelevated curves.

I have NO superelevation on my 24 ft radius curves... and my longest
straight is about 28 feet.  But I have seen Barry Harper run his A4 and
Coronation set "flat out" without slowing down for the turns on my layout.
Doug Glatz has been known to take his DB-01 and Rhinegold cars around and
at "heart stopping" pace too.  But the record goes to Bob Pennock's Aster
Grasshopper that negotiated an entire circuit of my layout (526 ft at the
time; it was shorter then) in 42 seconds.  In short, you don't need no
stinkin' superelevation, except to make the track look neat and keep your
heart rate down.

Jim Stapleton
Back to working on track in VA (Snow is GONE) 

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