I am remiss here for not directing everybody on this list to what transpired 
this weekend with my annual steamup at the Big Train Show at the Queen Mary in 
Long Beach.
I know that a lot of you visit My Largescale.com, but many probably do not.  
I have posted a number of pictures there and so have a few others.
The steamup was a resounding success this year.  In fact if it gets any 
bigger I am going to have to get another track!  This year they moved us to the 
parking lot along with a couple of other sparkie displays.  It was so much better 
to be there and I was able to sneak my trailer in right next to the track.  
There were at least 25 participants running various trains.  Track time was at 
a premium, but all were civil about their runs.  Accucraft ran their 
prototypes of the three cylinder shay, the C-21, and the Mogul.  These will all be 
affordable engines and from what I saw they all ran almost flawlessly.
So, if you would like to see some great pictures of the event, go to MLS to 
the live steam forum and click away!
This forum works best in Internet Explorer and hardly works in Netscape.  Not 
my doings, just the way it is set up.

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