Is that Vance Bass saying "mess with it only if you must?" You're not turning into a collector, are you??? (Must be the heat...) Certainly, there is an implied appreciation of history, but if it's not what you want, change it. I've got two locomotives that if left untouched would have "collector" value, but they weren't what I wanted. Now, they are. Will they make me rich when I go to sell them? No. However, since I put the time to make them what I want, I have no incentive to sell them. They're worth far more to me now than they ever would be as a "collector's piece."

The live steam hobby is perhaps at its most creative point ever on this side of the pond. No more are people just running what is commercially available. Modifications run the gamut from a simple coat of paint all the way to tearing everything apart and rebuilding it in a different form, if not completely scratchbuilding it. What's more, the price of the locomotive is having less and less of an effect on the amount of modifications. Granted, no one's tearing apart an Aster Big Boy...yet... but we are seeing some of the "cheaper" $3,000 asters being modified and kitbashed.

Moral of this missive, don't be afraid to take what you have and make it what you want. There's enough experience on this list to get you over any hump you may encounter along the way.



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