Hi Guys,
I have been using an IR thermometer sold by Radio Shack for approx $40 to measure Gauge 1 casing and paint surface temps etc. Measures up to 500F or C equivalent. Very small and compact. Ideal for measuring those engine surface temps. And no toy. You can pick up some very usefull (and surprising) info by using one of these.
Tony D.

At 09:30 AM 7/15/03 -0500, Trent Dowler wrote:
Heat treat monitoring in what capacity? 1000F is well below any range I've
ever encountered for heat treating (with the exception of aluminum alloys).
Sounds like a fun "toy", but I'm not sure about it's real world usefulness
on our little locomotives. Many people on this list are better informed than
myself on those aspects. - Trent

Mike Eorgoff wrote:

>  Since 1000F is less than what is needed for
> heat treat monitoring and some brazing, would the 600F model be high enough
> to determine non-flame temperatures on our small models.  Like how hot is
> the flue gas, how hot are the cylinders, how hot is the outside of the
> boiler.  Basically, everything other than the flame temperature.

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