At 10:54 AM 7/26/03 -0400, you wrote:
>Harry, thanks for your input! 
>I tried the web site but got no hit.  I respelled modeling but still no
>Is the site not ready yet, or is there still an error in the address?    
>Dick Griffith

      My omission, I should have said that is an email address not a web
site.  To subscribe one sends an email and here are the full particulars,
which you will see are similar to this List:  The ME List is a veritable
treasure trove of information of every kind, and of course live steam.


>From: modeleng-list
>Subject: Welcome to the Model Engineering List

>The modeleng-list is a mailing list dedicated to model engineers. 
>This term is used to describe those that make things, usually from
>metal, usually at home or in a home shop, sometimes using fairly
>advanced tools and techniques or old tools and techniques.  In short,
>this list is dedicated to those that make neat things and want to
>talk about them.  
>To date the list is pretty international in scope, with many members
>from the UK, USA, Canada and Australia.  Other members hail from
>Japan, New Zealand, Germany, Holland and South Africa.  Please keep
>this in mind when discussing tools or materials that might not be
>available everywhere, or when a generic term might be used instead of
>a specific (as an example, "high-carbon tool steel" is generally
>better understood than "drill rod" (specific to USA and Canada) or
>"silver steel" (more of a UK term).
>This list was started by Mick Collins in the UK, and later moved to
>the USA when it was discovered that Mick was remailing everything by
>hand.  It's currently managed by sympa (a mail server program) and
>administered by Russ Kepler at [EMAIL PROTECTED], but since he's
>not always around please be patient with list requests that cannot
>be satisfied by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>On subscribing to this list please post an introductory message about
>yourself and your model engineering interests.  
>You are encouraged to post your questions and advice about anything
>related to model engineering or related topics (machining,
>metallurgy, etc.).  Please put a subject line on your message that is
>descriptive. If you post something in response to a question, please
>indicate it in the subject line.  Should you post something of
>interest to the community but not directly related to model
>engineering or related topics put YAK in the subject line. Be
>considerate of your fellow list subscribers.  
>You should save this message for future reference. Please take
>special note of the few rules below:
>List rules:
>1. This list is for model engineering topics.  Anyone making
>   off-topic commercial posts will be removed. Occasional posts of a
>   semi-commercial topic (such as "I wrote this book..." or "I have
>   this grinder for sale...") are entirely on-topic.  If you join this
>   list to make sales you may have made a mistake; if you've joined to
>   make friends you're in the right place.  
>   On occasion folks on the list will veer somewhat off-topic.  This
>   is normal in a group with wide interests, and often the off-topic
>   posts will return to on-topic.  While off-topic it is considered 
>   polite to mark the posts with "YAK" as noted above.  If you feel 
>   that the topic is off-charter and perhaps should be dropped please
>   contact the list admin at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>2. Flaming and personal attacks will not be tolerated.  If you want
>   to make a comment on anything other than the model engineering
>   content of a post make it personal and private to the poster, not
>   to the list.
>3. Do not post copyrighted material that you do not have explicit
>   permission to post.
>4. This is an 'open' list - please avoid posting anything that you 
>   wouldn't put in a letter to your mother.
>5. Forwarded mail.  Don't forward mail to the list.  In particular
>   mail on virus warnings, new laws proposed in congress, small boys
>   with cancer, ways to get rich, etc.  
>6. The list filters out posts created in HTML, RICH, other enhanced
>   mail types along with messages that contain attachments (many
>   "forwards" come through as attachments).  It is important that you
>   send only plain text formatted messages with no attachments to the
>   list or they will never be posted (since Majordomo will reject
>   them) and you WILL NOT be notified.  If you don't know how to
>   configure your mail client to send plain text messages, please
>   visit one of the sites below for instructions on how to do so.
>   Most popular email clients are covered.
>   <>
>   <>
>   <>
>7. Please be puncutual about picking up your mail.  If you fail to
>   clean up your mailbox and majordomo starts getting 'bounce'
>   messages from your mail host your address will be removed from the
>   list.  If you are not sure that you are currently on the list (due
>   to a lack of mail) simply send in a subscribe command as described
>   below.
>   Further, if you have more than one email address please be sure to
>   send mail from the same address as that subscribed - spam forced
>   us to close the ability to post to the list to anyone not
>   subscribed to the list, and the only way to tell that is the
>   address from which a message is posted.
>8. The list is provided as a service at no cost to the subscriber. 
>   There are no warranties to the correctness of the information
>   presented by any user to any other user, nor by the list manager
>   or provider.  If you don't know something to be completely safe
>   don't try it.  If you do - you're on your own.
>9. If you use the list to harvest email addresses in any manner you
>   will be assessed a fee of $1 per use of each name so harvested.
>   Placing off-topic commercial messages to the list or to the names
>   harvested as above is your acceptance of these terms.  If you're
>   offended by this or want to be sure that a post is acceptable
>   please feel free to contact the list owner using the
>   "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" address.
>Note also that a digest form of the list is available simply by
>subscribing to "modeleng-list-digest" (add "-digest" to the list
>name).  The digest is sent out at least once a day and every time
>that the total digest size hits 40KB.  The total traffic is quite
>reduced, but please remember when replying to a message in the digest
>to set the "Subject:" line to reflect the particular message to which
>is being replied.  

>To subscribe/unsubscribe email the following and NOTHING else:

>SUBJECT: empty
>BODY:     subscribe modeleng-list

>To be removed from the mailing list:
>SUBJECT: empty
>BODY:     unsubscribe modeleng-list

>To post information/questions to the list:
>Please address any questions to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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