My experrience with plumbers indicates the plumber would have had to make
multiple trips to get the new faucet exchanged/working. Plumbers do not
arrive with two of every faucet on their truck for a homeowner to select
from. I have seen plumbers get pretty peeved when they have to drive back
and forth, especially if they bid a set price rather than hourly rate for
the job. Now if I had hired a plumber hourly, my wallet would have to be in
rocovery for a long time.
Since I saved money and have a happy wife I can trade these commodities for
a steam something or other latter, despite my being a bit hacked off about
making multiple trips.
Gary - Running trains over Terror Trestle in Eugene, Oregon


> First the faucet handle simply broke off.  ........

There's a moral to this sad tale.  Call a plumber.  Or are the good ones as
as hen's teeth, the same as here in England?



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