I was momentarily encouraged to think that Bob & Jackie's house (and all the contents) was preserved. But now I'm devasted. In thinking about his loss, it occurred to me that we (the list) could maybe help at some time by each of us donating something to him & jackie. We all have tools, tooling, bits, files, saws, parts, mags, plans, computers, etc that we COULD part with if the cause were just. This would be a just cause, I believe. While it would never replace what they've lost, it would be a start in rebuilding their lives. To prevent duplication, a list could be posted with items donated, anonymous or otherwise. We should pull together to help one of our own. Any thoughts ?

royce in SB


I just got a call from one of my neighbors and it is confirmed our house and all the others have burned. It is absolutely awful

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