some time ago I built two ceramic burners from scratch, both approximately
the same design apart from the length of the tube between gas nozzle and
burner cup. One of them works as expected: the ceramic glows with a nice
orange color. The other one seems to have some lack of oxygen. Only the
tips of the ceramic material glow and there is a visible flame above the
ceramic surface. I tried to open up the air holes, but to no avail. 
Some dimensions:
Burner tube 3/8" thin walled brass tubing  2 3/8" long with 4 air holes
11/64" diam. The nozzle is an accucraft ??? The rear edge of the air holes
coincides with the tip of the nozzle. The burner proper is made from a 1
1/2" copper plumbing cap, cut down to app. 1/2". Three "posts" 1x 3/8"
(near the opening for the tube) and 2x1/4" serve as "swirl enhancers" and
support the ceramic. 
This burner works as expected.
The other one with similar dimensions, but the tube shortened to about 1"
(space restrictions) is the trouble maker. 
By the way, one burner powers my vertical boilered climax, the other one a
steam donkey...
Any help would be very much appreciated !
Regards and a happy new year

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