On 17/2/04 5:49 pm, "mart.towers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As the tank will almost certainly be loco mounted butane will work OK, as
> the temp drop will be balanced by the radiant heat gain from the
> boiler/chassis. Also what manufacturer recommends.
> However butane/propane mixtures & isobutane needn't cause any alarm if the
> snow is thick on the ground up there in the woods & butane gives a flaccid
> response.
> Roundhouse tanks are pressure tested and are good to psis in the thousands.
> (filler valves much, much less of course)
> If it's a second hand loco check that some clown hasn't moved the tank close
> to the boiler in which case mixtures or isobutane are a no-no. Well the
> whole thing is a no-no in that case, IMO.

Roundhouse gas tanks are designed for butane AND propane/butane mix and have
been for some years.  The current firing systems are (according to Roger
Loxley of Roundhouse) designed for butane only - hence the label on the
tank.  I have not myself seen any difference in performance - but I prefer
to believe the guys that build 'em.

Couple of predictions here.  Roundhouse will move to "mixed gas" this year.
They are also likely to use gas pressure regulation - as Cheddar do now.
Boiler fill systems (and gauge glass) on all new engines - this last isn't a
prediction - it is already in place.
We will shortly see whistle and/or draincocks on RH locomotives....
Tag Gorton
Garden Rail
Atlantic Publishers
16mm Today

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