Interesting things afoot in Australia regarding small scale boiler codes.  I
just received Australian Model Engineering (AME) issues 112 (January) and
113 (March).  Some group identified as RitGoG approached AMBSC about
coverage of small scale boilers down towards the 35 psi, 1 liter, 2 inch
diameter AMBSC exclusion zone that basically exceeded the pressure limit.
AMBSC said not in the form submitted.  So AMBSC had a meeting with an
interested group of people, not RitGoG, and sent it back to RitGoG for
comment.  At this point, after stirring up the hornets nest, RitGoG backed
out saying that it was too much work, and they just wanted to play trains.
So AMBSC is left holding the nest, so to speak, and looking to get a decent
representation of interests in deciding what to do about the new part of the
code that they have taken on development of.  So things will probably get
interesting since AMBSC has to thrash this out.

Mike Eorgoff


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