In our case I have to agree. However, I have to disagree on general principle. We are in a somewhat unique position as our toys have been around, and safe, for a good long while now.

However, in the case of a recently developed hobby I'd have to say that it should be determined that the events related to such a hobby would be determined safe for all involved _before_ someone gets dead. : ]

Of course, this likely has a lot to do with the industry I'm in... If someone so much as sneezes around here we have to fill out medical reports. *rolls eyes*

Trot, the detailed, fox...

| /\_/\ TrotFox \ Always remember, | ( o o ) AKA Landon Solomon \ "There is a | >\_/< [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ third alternative."

From: Tag Gorton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Until a hobby is proven to be hazardous to the general public, don't try to
> regulate it.

Amen to that Tom. Some people in this particular hobby seem to have an
unnatural desire for both complication and regulation. It both puts off new
people and makes life uncomfortable.
I wonder how many people have their electric shower tested every two years.
These have quite a high pressure flash boiler and one is standing buck naked
in water and connected to 9 kilowatt of electrical power!
Tag Gorton

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