At 12:28 PM 4/4/04 -0700, Gary wrote:
I have installed stainless steel radiant burner type mesh in my Aster Alisan
shay burners.

I did this with my Roundhouse 'Pooter'. The first bench test was rather exciting after about 3 minutes, when the meths started to boil in the wick tubes, and ejected flaming gobs of burning meths up the central 'chimney' in the rolled stainless mesh. These little flamers would shoot up 3' from the burner!
I cured it by ramming pieces of soft iron stove wire down the centre hole until it was well packed. This took care of the eruption problems.

The burner still flares some in windy conditions - a product, I think, of the lower vapour pressure of the pure methylated spirits over traditional meths (denatured methyl alcohol). I think I'll try an inverted, linear 'U' shaped piece of mesh suspended over the burner as a radiant element. I'm hoping this will reduce the amount of un-burnt meths vapour than can escape the burner chamber in a wind. I'll report back on this once its tried (and the weather has warmed enough not to need gloves to go out and run!!!).


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